Break-time cobwebs

My morning work is in a sort of apartment complex for businesses–a car shop, an insurance office, a Mexican restaurant. I work in a bare, one-room warehouse. It reminded me at first of the art classrooms of my alma mater–walls totally bare, concrete floor, cheap tables you can scratch up, the barrenness an open invitation … Continue reading

Success! The Last List of a List-Addict

My schedule had constricted, so I dashed straight from my office to slouching my crisp-collared shirt and work slacks deep into the overstuffed chair in my therapist’s color neutral, warm sanctuary, and I said, “I don’t know how to succeed. I want to be myself, and I don’t know how I’ll know if I’ve succeeded.” … Continue reading

Disciplines of a Desk Job

After my first experience in an office one summer many years ago, I vowed I would never work at one year-round. Sure, as a student it was an admittedly cush job for the summers. But it was soul-stifling, too. It seemed like the deep things of life didn’t matter inside the office walls–all that mattered … Continue reading

Interview Sheepishness

I had an interview today. It didn’t go well. We started out on the wrong foot, beginning from our phone conversation to schedule the interview. As job seekers tend to do, I had applied to a lot of similar jobs. And unlike what job seekers are told to do, I hadn’t been keeping track of … Continue reading